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九Soaring Higher Leaders Share Vision for Success

Just prior to earning his completion certificate at the Soaring Higher 领导 Award Ceremony, Nathan Romano, 25岁, 生物学专业, presented his plan to achieve his short-term goal of being a better club leader and his longer-term goal of attending graduate school. With his plan in hand and the information he learned in the Soaring Higher 领导 Program, Romano expressed his readiness to meet his goals.

“I gained a lot of insight into how I conduct myself as a leader and how I conduct myself with other people,罗马诺说. “That gave me a lot to think about with my future direction.”

Romano and eight other students made up the second cohort to complete the leadership program since it launched in the fall of 2022. Students apply and are selected to attend the program facilitated by Dr. 伊丽莎白·兰伯特, Vice President of mg冰球突破豪华版下载 and Dean of Students, 拉里•帕克, 多元化总监, 股本, 和包容, 和伊泽尔·弗洛雷斯·克里斯蒂安森, 学生事务助理院长. The content for the program is based on the book, "The Student 领导 Challenge: Five Practices For Becoming an Exemplary Leader" by James Kouzes and Barry Posner.

Throughout the 10-week program, students participated in individual and group activities that uncovered insights into their strengths and weaknesses. They learned to use their self-knowledge, such as identifying their values, to make better choices. Every other week, they listened to a new guest speaker about what they’ve learned as leaders.

“My biggest takeaway was hearing first-hand experiences and personal stories,26岁的莉莲·森辛格说, 儿童教育专业.

The multi-year plans Romano and the other Soaring Leaders presented just prior to the Award Ceremony were the culminating piece. The presentations provided the students an opportunity to practice their newly learned skills and take their first steps as leaders, even if that meant admitting they aren’t quite ready to see where they want to go.

“My presentation was how I don’t have a plan yet,” said Sensinger. “尽管没有计划, 我分享了我是如何得到支持的, and the program taught me how to leverage resources. 例如, completing the Soaring Higher 领导 program showed me how to focus inward and leverage the resources I will need to chart my course when I am ready.”

Soaring Higher 领导 Awardees:
  • 琳达·艾弗里25岁

  • 索菲亚·康柏25岁

  • 梅根·富克斯26岁

  • 麦迪逊·莫顿,24岁

  • 奥利维亚·尼廷格,26岁

  • Nathan Romano, 25岁

  • 莉莲·森辛格,26岁

  • 加布里埃拉·斯威夫特26岁

  • 米兰达·沃特曼25岁
